November 30, 2004
girlie.. you left me a comment, but when I tried to leave you one on your website, I couldn't. SO... to answer your question, yes. I shoot APA (tonight actually) and TAP. I have been shooting for about 8 years now...I had about a year break. What about you? And what part of Maryland are you from? I hope you stop back by and see this. *sigh* if not, I'll keep trying to leave ya a message. til later...
November 25, 2004
Happy Gobble Gobble Day
Down my bro's house and he has a good computer so I thought I'd jump on here and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. My cousin who is in the Marines was able to make it up here for today. And hopefully for Christmas as well. He says that he will volunteer to go back to Iraq if they ask. *sigh* hopefully that won't be necessary, but you never now. oh, and by the way, the thing I'm most greatful for is my family... *this includes the boyfriend* Family is everything to me.
Now it's time for Chirstmas lights and Christmas carols...bring it on
November 24, 2004
Go to the mattresses...
I suck...
at pool....*sigh* I've lost for probably the last 4 weeks. What's wrong with me? I've haven't been on this bad of a losing streak for a while. GRRRRRRRRR...I HATE losing, especially when I know I could have wiped the floor with that ass....*sigh* oh well, ce la vie...(spelling?)
on a different note....Thanksgiving is tomorrow. woohoo... no I'm not really that excited about it. The only reason I love it is because of the pies. My mom makes awesome pies. If I could make them, I'd be good. some work to do...
So, have a Happy thanksgiving ya'll! *smile*
November 22, 2004
Well, I'll be...
Your Penis Name is: Anaconda
If i were a dude, I'd be like "watch out ladies....!"
Mad apologies...
Correction to my last post...My darling auntie is actually a fan of the ORIGINAL star trek, although she follows some of the later "Versions". I was mistaken! And in case ya'll don't read the comments, I've posted for your veiwing pleasure...the ass reaming I got for being wrong. *Sigh* Live long and prosper...
There is no other Trek but the original TREK and Spock is the God of Trek, have I taught you nothing in all the years you've known me?
Wasn't your cousin born with a slightly point to her
ears because I channeled Spock during delivery?
Of course it doesn't hurt that Trek has really good looking guys such as Robert Beltran (Chakotay), Tarik Ergin (Ayala), Scott Bakula (Archer) and yes even Patrick Stewart has a nice little tight body.
Eyecandy for the ladies finally.
Why should I decorate the house when the whole block is so lite up it looks like the strip in Las Vegas, I keep waiting for the Flying Elvises to drop in any Christmas. I mean they start this crap right after Halloween and keep it up until St. Patrick's Day! Can you say "waste of resources?" I knew that you could.
I love my Trek tree and it's not Christmas until we push the button on the shuttle craft Galileo and Spock says "Shuttle craft to Enterprise, Shuttle craft to Enterprise, Spock here, happy holidays, live long and prosper." It's tradition and yes your cousin is a whiner, the one year I didn't put the tree up she whined until I had to stack her presents in the shape of a tree!
Whining runs in the family!
Just wait till you see what I do to your cousin's baby, I have the little point ears all picked out now all I need is the crazy glue...
I mean tape, yeah that's it tape cause Crazy Glue would be wrong.
Mad love for ya...
There you have it....she cracks me up... and yes folks, she is serious about the ears...
November 19, 2004
it's friday
wohoo *sarcasm* I'm only working Saturday this weekend.Unfortunately, my genius of a boss decided it was a much better use of my time to have me work until 9 f*ckin thirty saturday night. Well, Christ almighty, I might as well just work on Sunday. *dumbass* i have to make sure I give her the "calendar" that I put together so that she can figure out my time. that way it won't be too difficult for her to figure out.
Can you believe that Thanksgiving is next week? holy shite! can you believe that. i'll be putting my christmas decorations up next week. They go up AFTER thanksgiving and I take them down right after the first of the year. PERIOD. I've known people to keep them up ALL YEAR LONG. come on lazy asses! take down the christmas lights and no one gets hurt! My aunt doesn't even put christmas lights up. She barely puts the tree up. Only if my cousin is coming over, cuz my cousin will have a fit if the tree isn't up. The tree is always decorated in Star Trek. Yes, my aunt is a Trekkie. *did I spell that right?* Thankfully she is not one of those that dress up and speak Klingon....(not knockin anyone....just glad she doesn't do that) I think she's more on the Next generation kick than the actual Star Trek with what's his face....although I know she likes Spock (Live long and prosper!) anywho...this is getting kinda long...i might drop in later....if not, have a great weekend.
November 18, 2004
Blast from the past...
Pictures of you They're still on my mind
You had the smile That could light up the world
Now it rains It seems the sun never shines
And I'll drive down This lonely lonely road
Ooh I got this feelin' Girl, I gotta let you go
'Cause now you've got to fly Fly to the angels Heavens awaits your heart
And flowers bloom in your name You've got to fly Fly to the angels
All the stars in the night Shine in your name
You know it hurts me Way deep inside
When I turn and look And find that you're not there
I try to convince myself That the pain, the pain It's still not gone.
'Cause now you've got to fly Fly to the angels Heavens awaits your heart
And flowers bloom in your name You've got to fly Fly to the angels
All the stars in the night Shine in your name
*Sigh* slaughter... brings back memories...
Just curious....
what possess people to walk up to my counter when they see the drawer open and I'm COUNTING the money....I have a calculator and the bag for the register there, and expect me to wait on them? WTF? Then they are surprised when I tell them this register is closed. duh..what the hell did you think I was freakin doing? do you think the I stand here and count the change in the drawer for shits and giggles? don't think so....get a clue people!!!! I'm begging you....
November 16, 2004
Would you like a gift reciept with this?
holy shite...first off...let me say that I worked at my part time job this weekend. from 12-9 on Sunday. and from 4-9 we had "VIP" night. I've been on the other side, the customer. Now I know what it's like to be the cashier. And can I just say, people can really pluck my last nerve??? It was outrageous. It was pretty much non stop ringing from 4 til about 8. then it died down a little. Crazy...can I just say that I'm SO glad that I will not be working on "Black Friday". People can just suck ass. is it that I work in the Home department but yet I had people come to my register that had got NOTHING from my department? they had brought ALL their stuff downstairs. Now, I don't mind rining up stuff from other departments, but least buy something from my department. otherwise, wait your sorry ass in line in the correct deparment. ggggrrr...maybe it's just me. another example: the sale didn't start til 4, but tell me why I had a lady ask me around 12:30 if she could use her coupon then since she wasn't coming back at 4? umm...NO. The coupon says 4 does it not? then you have to wait til 4. Thankfully we could escape any nasties by telling the customer that the coupon wouldn't ring up til after four becasue the registers were programmed. *hahahahaha* we still had people hanging around at 3:30 waiting for 4. *sigh* and just's only going to get worse before it gets better. pray for me....
November 12, 2004
The Food Whore
Check out her link....she cracks me up! Warning: Snarfing is quite possible, so please, no food or drink while reading that blog. *and if you don't know what snarfing is, shame on you!* :)
It's not Venus...
You Are From the Sun |

Of all your friends, you're the shining star.
You're dramatic - loving attention and the spotlight.
You're a totally entertainer and the life of the party.
Watch out! The Sun can be stubborn, demanding, and flirty.
Overall, you're a great leader and great friend. The very best!
November 11, 2004
Too Funny...
overheard conversation in the Emergency Department:
Patient : "Know what makes an alcoholic feel better? .... another drink."
Technician: "Well you're not going to get that here."
WTF? people are just crazy....
November 09, 2004
One of those days...
yuppers, yesterday was one of those days. I worked my full time job. *i get off at 4* I stopped and paid a bill then ran home. I threw on some makeup for my part time job. *starts at 5* Yeah, I work in a retail store part time *it's all inside* And let me tell you. I was just not a happy camper when I got to work. I don't know why that is. Maybe the problem was it was Asshole day yesterday and no one told me. I usually don't mind my part time job, but I literally wanted to cry yesterday because I didn't want to be there. Luckily it didn't last all night. By the end of the night, I was just tired. Thankfully I don't have to be back to my part time job til Friday. *woohoo* but I also have to work all weekend. Oh well, my bills are finally starting to catch up.
I should've kept the picture thingy on my computer. *i deleted it* and I use the computer at work, so I can't download it here. I'm going to try to hook up the computer I have at home, to even see if it works. It was free, so I can't complain. If it works great, if not, oh well. i'll trash it. i have to finish putting my desk together... fun fun.
it's cold as hell here!! *i know hell is not techinically cold, but bear with me here!* i do believe that I'll have to be turning my heat on. *sigh* It's been a nice run though I guess. I haven't had my A/C on since probably the end of August. *of course it's broke so....* but it's been about 3 months that's good. I'll check the heater and stuff tonight, cuz it's supposed to stay in the 40's or some such nonsense this week. and at night? fa get about it. COLD.... luckily my boyfriend kicks off a lot of body heat. *hahaha* and I don't even have to be laying right next to him... it's great. Like my own personal blanket warmer *smile* anywho.... time for me to get some work done here.... later kiddies...
November 04, 2004
It's over....
no I'm not talking about the election *although I'm glad that is as well*. The luncheon I have busted my ass on for the past two and a half weeks. I must say it turned out extremely well. The group that I belong to all helped with this, but I have to admit, i did alot. So they bought me flowers, movie passes and some shower gel and lotion from Bath and Body works. Cool. I'm very thankful. Now if I could just talk them into giving me a bigger raise... hmmmm....
November 02, 2004
It's beginning to look a lot like....
yeah, especially in the stores. geesh! come on people! it's just now November and JC Penneys has had Christmas stuff out since the beginning of October. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas. It's my favorite holiday. But the season gets longer and longer every year. *sigh* Oh well, what can you do? not a damn thing. It won't be long though before I'm subjected to christmas music pouring throught the speakers while I'm working. jingle bells, jingle bells....oh no! it's starting....
on another note....did you